Low cost logistics With over 10 courier partners to choose from
With more than 25000+ pin-codes for prepaid and more
than 19000+ pin-codes for COD. Efficicient operational team and strong operational control
makes deliveries faster.
Multiple Logistics Partners
Select the best suitable delivery partners from the integrated shipping solution
inside the platform. Choose the most reliable and trusted partners from the
automated integration with in no time.
Discounted Shipping
No upfront cost for setting up your shipping account with any of our partner
logistics providers. Set up your account and avail discounted shipping rates on
all your orders.
International Shipping Solutions
Take your business to global markets with international shipping solutions.
Choose from international logistics partners or integrate your custom global
shipping provider easily.
Compare Prices And Choose
Optimize your shipping costs by comparing your e-commerce logistics partners
delivery charges and choosing the most economical one. Save shipping costs by
choosing the best-fit shipping partners for every order.
Schedule Pickup
Make your deliveries flexible and faster by scheduling pickup with multiple
logistics partners. Choose your preferred order pickup time by scheduling your
order pickups with your chosen shipping partner.
Automated Shipping Label
Automate your logistics process with for faster, better and transparent
deliveries. Make your shipping more efficient with automated processes like,
import orders, customize shipping rates, generating shipping labels etc.